I sort of stick out in this sea of pink I always seem to get on TV. This is Tim Fasano (in the yellow shirt with camera) sitting in the room full of Lyft and Uber drivers. Did you ever feel really alone? These rideshare people are operating an illegal business that is cutting into my livelyhood, and I wanted the Hillsborough County Commission to know it. The Lyft drivers are a bunch of punks and kids who have never worked a day in their lives. They will get whats coming to them. How do you spell douchebags? You will see me in the video shown on the local news.
I am a 24 year former cab driver from Tampa Florida. Retired and looking forward to the future.
So why doesn't the taxi cops of HCTPC just arrest a few of them and charge with illegal taxi and let a judge decide all the way to supreme court? If I drove over to Tampa in my Ford Pinto wagon and put a taxi light on my car and picked up people, I'd be stopped immediately. Maybe uber and lynx are protected by somebody and HCTPC knows to leave them alone? Doesn't make sense. Doesn't Untied cab have any interest in stopping this ursupration of there business ?
ReplyDeleteThat is what I have been thinking. Uber has 1.5 billion behind them. I would be naive to think someone has not been paid off. Why else would VICTOR CRIST be dragging this thing out.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Crist takes money from Uber, but people like Rubio, Scott and other bigwigs in Tallahassee do and they put pressure on local agencies and governments to let uber do whatever they want.
ReplyDeleteWe know for a fact Rubio is a big Uber and no regulation guy. His idea of capitalism would lead to immovable monopolies. It would create rampant poverty.
ReplyDelete".......It would create rampant poverty"
Delete.....then everybody would wonder again, why some people go bananas and start to do crazy things
taxi driver starts to shoot Uber drivers or Uber driver with 4 passengers goes off the Skyway bridge..........:))
Travis Bickle:
'You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Oh yeah? OK". Uber
......you can consider this as an uber joke, but is it?