This is fantastic! They even link to my blog.
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[–]crosswalkox[S] [score hidden] an hour ago*
Maybe, the best argument for using ridesharing. Please check out this obnoxious, ranting, sexists, Tampa taxi driver's website. It is both entertaining and disturbing.
[–]elkanorthe Heights, downtown, Ybor [score hidden] 15 minutes ago
Only question: how do I know my Lyft drivers aren't also racists and misogynists?
[–]starwarsnerdguy [score hidden] 44 minutes ago
cab drivers are scumbags. old news
[–]dreddingENTJ- I'm in charge here [score hidden] 55 minutes ago
Funny, the post titled "What the future holds for taxi driving in Tampa" pretty much explains why ridesharing companies like uber and lyft exist!
*Edit Direct quote
"Sit back and watch as Uber takes over and the Negro is further displaced by Democrats. This is some fucked up shit. As they say...LMFAO!"
Holy shit man, good find!
posted from Bloggeroid
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