I was sick in the ER today. My head was swimming; I was off balance; I have high blood pressure; I was in trouble. An Iranian driver gave me a ride to the ER. The good news was they could find nothing wrong. My meds have my bp under control and my motor skills were good. Their best guess was its an inner ear issue, and told me to see an ENT specialist.
While this was going on, the company had my taxi driven back to the shop from the airport. Then, thinking I was dead, they were about to cancel my contract and lease the cab out too others (the entire process was four hours).
They have a waiting list of potential drivers and they are EAGER to lease out any spare cab. In fact, if you break down, there are no replacement cabs. None. All cabs must now proproduce income.
have a $500 cash bond and they could have waited a few days to see what my status was. They could have gone by the hospital or called me.
The company has always been good to me over the years. There must have been some confusion about my status after what happened at the airport.
I walked 4 miles from the hospital to the shop to get my taxi back. If I had died, my body would not have even gone cold and they would have had another driver behind the wheel. At least I know where I stand after twenty years of complaint free service. I deserve better treatment then that. I have earned it. This was an outrageous thing for them to even contemplate.
I did get my taxi back. But I'm now upset and believe I face an uncertain future. I have no insurance or company benefits. Uber and Lyft are taking over and if the cab companies don't change their model, they go the way of the typewriter. in the mmeantime, show some compassion. posted from Bloggeroid
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