The transportation future of Tampa is not as uncertain as some think. The local government agencies seemed determined to allow illegal operations to undermine the taxi industry. Why should I give a shit? I got nothing to lose. On any given day I can just turn in the keys and walk away. You know what will happen?
The sun will rise the next day and it will be beautiful in Tampa Bay. Other then time, I have nothing invested.
In fact, I could even become an Uber or Lyft driver and clean up. Why not? The HCPTC does not seem able or willing to stop the unlicensed operations. So much for getting their marching orders from the taxi overlords.
The taxi owners are the ones at risk. Why are they not using the courts to sue for cease and desist orders? I mean the drivers could employ Jimmy Hoffa like tactics and pull Uber drivers out of their cars and beat the shit out of them. I would really like to see that happen to those Lyft people who were at the county commissioner meeting. For the first time in history illegal business are being supported openly by the powers that be.
Fighting them now is like trying to land on the back of big birds.
I suggest they develop a bot that could jam the Uber server with bogus orders or send them to a house where a couple of pipe fitting niggers with blow torches can suggest a career change. If not, get medieval on their ass. Pain can be an exquisite form of human expression.
I don't really give a shit. I will probably be in Las Vegas by Spring where I will launch "Las Vegas Taxi Shots." It will be a great blog about sin, gambling, excess, lost dreams, and sports betting. A sure thing in deed.
Its just that before I leave, I want to see one of those Lyft pussies bloodied in the head. I won't do it but I would watch if someone else did. TAKE THAT ASSHOLE. I hope you have brain damage and erectile dysfuntion.
I will not see you in Vegas. Uber and Lyft have no chance out there. Without the right colored medallion, you cannot get in the casino line. Closed shop baby. Just like it used to be in Tampa before a bunch of retired former Sheriff sergeants began running the taxi commission. They don't give a shit.
Sit back and watch as Uber takes over and the Negro is further displaced by Democrats. This is some fucked up shit. As they say...LMFAO!
posted from Bloggeroid
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