Not if I have anything to do with it. Hacking without a license is illegal. Why the powers that be continue to allow Uber and Lyft to operate is beyond me. Can you open a bar and sell liqueur without a license? Could you open a coffee shop without a license? No. So why transportation? This form if primitive capitalism must be stopped for the good of the poor and minorities who don't have iPhones and credit cards. Uber and Lyft drivers belong in jail (just like I would be if hacking without a license).
I call for a protest in front of the PTC Friday at high noon. I want the Mayor notified that he has an illegal business operating and his oath to us was to enforce law. He was not to pick and choose. If I am the only one there, then that is a beginning. THIS NATIONAL WAR HAS BEGUN.
posted from Bloggeroid
Best legal action is to sue. You actually have to sue them to enforce their own regulations.