While I was waiting outside a house in hyde Park early this morning way before sunrise, I noticed this incredible moon. I was wondering if lovers really gazed at the moon and expressed their hopes and dreams. Personally, I never have. The moon doesn't seem all that interesting.
Anyway, I pulled out my camera with telephoto and using the window jam of the front door, got this shot. Not to bad. You can see craters and mountains.
Why does a man risk everything he has in a game he cannot win? All of us can usually make sense of most things in our life. But the most uncertain thing of all makes us put everything on the line. Love is when we are at our weakest, our most vulnerable.
I've lived long enough where I can look back and make certain assessments that would have been impossible to a younger me. I've been rich, poor, up, down all that stuff but nothing beats being in love (yes Ladies...men will trade 10 blonde's with boob jobs for true love...bank on it).
Later I found a posting from one of the most original blogs on the net Bitch| Lab. It was about love and how the concept of it has changed over the last 500 years. How the Romans believed Cupid with his arrows made people go insane in a way like nothing else . Well maybe the social conventions of love have changed with the times and various societies. But Co-Dependency has been around since before the Roman Days. It even pre-dates the Greeks.
Perhaps the only Shakespeare I can quote is from Pericles; Antiochus points to skeletons being held up by a wall and states:
"Here they stand martyrs, slain in Cupid's wars; And with dead cheeks advise thee to desist For going on death's net, whom none resist. "
Man you do not have to read the play to know what he is talking about. Man will always be drawn into love like a moth to a flame.
Well, anyway, the guy shows up with his suitcases. I hit the meter and were off the the Airport. Another ride...another $20.
Looking back. I'd take love over anything else that's out there.
posted from Bloggeroid
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