(I posted this in 2009 when things really sucked) Meet Larry. He retired a few years ago after a long time with United Cab of Tampa. He got out at the right time because it all fell apart in 2008.
Not only do we have half the calls - we have twice the drivers. Plus, lease and gas are much higher ($510 a week with holidays and birthdays taken away). Now, I hear the company is raising leases again to $535 a week while they hire more & more drivers.

When I see new drivers starting out, I ask myself why. With the high operating cost, lack of calls and tons of cabs, the prospects of making real money is gone. We MUST work 365 days a year to eat dog food. Larry, be glad you were here for the good times. It was good to be a driver then. Now, the taxi companies in Tampa have it all coming their way. Enjoy your retirement.
Not only do we have half the calls - we have twice the drivers. Plus, lease and gas are much higher ($510 a week with holidays and birthdays taken away). Now, I hear the company is raising leases again to $535 a week while they hire more & more drivers.
When I see new drivers starting out, I ask myself why. With the high operating cost, lack of calls and tons of cabs, the prospects of making real money is gone. We MUST work 365 days a year to eat dog food. Larry, be glad you were here for the good times. It was good to be a driver then. Now, the taxi companies in Tampa have it all coming their way. Enjoy your retirement.
hey Tim,not only the heartless co's;but we have to deal with a wimp of a cab commission and an unresponsive airport authority.try and pull this crap at orlando airport and see if they take action against unlicensed operators.By the way tampa is going backwards compared to st. pete,orlando and miami.We are 98th out of 100 counties with job advancement opportunities and income.you can drive around and see nothing is going on.hyde park a shithole there are less things to do and nothing of quality left in hyde park. ybor usually a ghost town during the week.look what they did to platt street a total gov f-up.besides uber,that is the reason.it's a shame the cab co's don't have a clue;a complete failure to adjust.they deserve what they will get in the end.adios big m