My new blog about Vegas taxi |
There is a rule of the jungle "adapt or perish." I try to live by that in how I approach taxi driving. Dynamics change and you must be attuned to that and work in different ways. Uber presents something, however, that I can't adjust to. They have taken just too much from us. I don't know if I want to continue living in Tampa now. In the service industry, you can only make real money four months out of the year. The good news is today is the beginning of that four month run. The airport will be my only hope. I don't have it in me to keep going on after that, especially in the face of Uber. They have devastated the good street business we have had. This is a secret I did not want to revel to my readers. I will now. Its over. White people who do not want blacks to pick them up, have won. Uber riders can now get their Lilly white guy or girl to pick them up. Have fun. Uber will take that cease and desist letter from PTC and wipe their ass with it. There is, however, one place they cannot operate - LAS VEGAS!
I lived and drove cab in Vegas and now is the time to make my break. Tampa is just too seasonal. Vegas has one season and it last for 365 days. You get my point. In advance of this, I have already started
Las Vegas Taxi Shots. I can keep it going on the stories I have about Vegas. My gambling knowledge of the town and insight may interest someone. The manager of the largest taxi company out there knows me and emailed me saying he would hire me when I show up. Now is the time.
Uber has pulled out of Nevada. They cannot crack the casino line and that is a fact. Medallions really mean something out there in the heavily regulated world of Vegas.
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