Remember when you were young and the first time you experiencedjealousy? It could have been something as simple as you had a popsicle, and one of the other kids didn’t. But instead of approaching you and asking if you would be so nice to share it they picked on you and made fun of you! You probably thought to yourself, “when I grow up all of this will go away.” I know I did! But sadly, we’ve all realized it doesn’t, in fact now that we can connect with each other in so many ways it’s gotten worse! People like to make you feel small and insignificant, regardless of how positive your message is. Call them haters, or trolls it’s all jealousy at the end of the day.
No matter what social network you use we have to deal with it at one time or another. We post a picture, video, or status update and someone, somewhere, decides to blast our post with a negative comment for no reason at all! And no matter how much you try to ignore it, that person’s negativity begins to eat away at you.
Sometimes those
negative feelings bother you so much that you respond. Then the whole thing EXPLODES into an argument that is out there for the world to see! And all you wanted to do was share a thought, a picture, or an experience with your friends and followers.
Sometimes those
negative feelings bother you so much that you respond. Then the whole thing EXPLODES into an argument that is out there for the world to see! And all you wanted to do was share a thought, a picture, or an experience with your friends and followers.

It’s heartbreaking that something that’s said anonymously can affect us so much. It can be difficult but these are people we should never engage. Anyone who takes the time to comment negatively on your page, status or tweet is just looking for attention. The angrier you get, the more you comment back the more fulfilled they feel. It’s pathetic, and sad but these people use their jealousy to hate on you because that’s the only way they can feel good about themselves. The fact that you can’t see them, because no one would spout that kind of jealousy and hate to someone’s face, makes it so much easier.
So here’s a few great tips to get rid of these jealous types once and for all:
- The Hater Ratio: If you post anything (a photo, status, a video) and 100,000 people see it 5 of those people will post something jealous in the comments and say they hate me. The key is to think about the numbers! WHO CARES if 5 people don’t like it, there’s 99,995 people who not only liked what you posted. They also commented positively about it. Just take pride in those 99,000+ likes, and know that those 5 people who “hated” what you did still took the time to read or watch what you’ve shared.
- Some of Us Take Things Too Personally: Never take one of these jealous comments personally! More importantly NEVER react to what they said in the same jealous manner. In other words, don’t respond in a defensive manner. When you’re in a defensive mode you will fling words back at them that will never better a situation. Instead you are attacking them in the same way they attacked you. BE BETTER THAN THAT! Don’t even waste your time with commenting back, you’ll never reach all the awesome goals in your life, if you waste your energy on replying to a hater!
- Boring never gets teased, but out-of-the-box thinking always does! If you want to go after your dreams, dress how you want, think creatively and differently.. you must be willing and ready for people to think you are ridiculous, silly, and or stupid. To do anything different or interesting, be prepared to learn how to enjoy criticism. Take it as a sign of accomplishment, well if I had no dream or dressed like everyone else, of course no one would say anything…I’m daring to think differently and dream even bigger!
- The best revenge is happiness! The best comeback for a haters is to make it OVERLY OBVIOUS that their jealousy, had no effect on you! Show them how much more you love your thoughts, style, dreams, hair cut, whatever it is, that much more! Show them how much fun you’re having. How much you love your life! They will be sizzling in their hate even more, once they know it had no effect on you! The old saying, “The best revenge is a life well lived”, is true! Show them how awesome your life is, how happy you are no matter what anyone says. Any jealous comment they say is just spilling out what is inside them. You pour some water out of a water bottle and water comes out. You take a mean person filled with acidic hate, and they are going to say mean acidic words too. Don’t even get angry or upset at their mean little comments, just put an even BIGGER smile on your face, maybe even a chuckle, and show them how much FUN you are having in your LIFE!
Never let them see you sweat. Keep on Cabbin'!!!