A cold front was moving through Tampa with rain. There should be cold weather coming in but now its hot and humid.
The street business is drying up as all the minimum wage Uber drivers steal all our good fares. You know, the south Tampa racists people who want a white driver to pick them up while they donate money to the democrats, with no understanding that this is "Uber right wing capitalism."
Travis will ultimately be taken to federal court and his investors will lose money. Why? Making billions off the backs if baristas is wrong. Just read the Sherman Act and the Clayton Anti-Competition Act (Judge Bork was denied confirmation to the supreme court for his denouncement of these acts as "mindless law)
Stop supporting illegal Ubet and Lyft.
posted from Bloggeroid
Tim your Uber rants are consuming your life. The sooner you leave tampa the better your life will be.
ReplyDeleteStay with your plan and move back to vegas. More money for you to earn, health benefits and peace of mind!