My new battle ropes |
In April 2015, I lay in an emergency room at 298 lbs with a blood pressure of 222/165. They thought it was over. So did I. I could not have felt worse..dizzy, passing out, ringing jack hammer sound in my ears. Years of sedentary lifestyle, and bad food, had caught up with me. Luckily, I made it thru the day and decided to do something about it. I started swimming for exercise and a year later competed in a Masters swim meet. My weight was going down but I still needed to do something else. I then started a weight training and HITT cardio program. I started keeping a tracker on my phone on June 30 2016 and you can see the progress. I am down 24 lbs (probably 30 lbs in fat because I have gained muscle size) I am feeling better but I still have a long way to go. I love all the exercise toys and today I got a new one...battleropes!!! (The guy in the photo is not me). But, give me some time and I will get there - even being over 60. I got them today and when I got home, stretched them out in the back yard....all 60 feet of them. What I got was a fire hose which is heavier and recommended by MensFitiness magazine. I now have kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, slam ball, medicine ball, TRX straps for pull ups and suspension training, and more toys coming. I workout six days a week and this is the most important thing in my life. It is keeping me alive.
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