This is not the time for taxi companies to offer complimentary cab service in the vital downtown Tampa and So Ho areas. Most taxi drivers are broke and struggling in this economy. We cannot offer free rides. It would not be practical and we are regulated in this part of town at $3 a head from 2 to 4 riders. I guess Minartti (the owner of Yellow cab) got Keven White to let him do this for a kick back. White is a very corrupt County Commissioner and he should be voted out of office. Oh, he likes mixed-race ass by the way.
I saw a group of "hybred" green cabs at what is left of the old Yellow Cab compound on n. Oregon ave in Tampa. They were locked up behind a chain fence. Just keep them there.
hey tim, this was a counter attempt to fight the the electric golf carts from giving rides for tips.remember it was successful until someone caved in.lou minardi was offering the same service but in air conditioned cars that gave the riders protection in case of an accident.btw uber will at least make these cab companies more responsive to correcting their mistake . adios tim