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LOST TV SHOW: a philosopher examines themes

In January, 2006.I wrote this about the themes of the show from a philosophy standpoint. It was obvious to me, they were exploring some of the major themes of philosophy and I believed it would lead to only one conclusion. Looking back, it seems I nailed it. In fact, I WAS THE ONLY ONE that nailed it. This is what I wrote:

" Meet John Locke:    One of the main characters in the show is named after the father of deductive reason. This is an important point and not an accident. You can Google John Locke and find out his total belief in pure reason.

The Character on this show(played by the imminent American actor Terry O'quinn) has all of his life put stock in reason and logic. It has got him nowhere. On this Island everything has come alive. His hopes, His dreams, His ability to walk.

What appeared on the surface to be an item of science - The Hatch - has now become an article of faith. To believe without evidence now becomes the prime mover in his life.

The writers of this show have gone a long way in a misinformation campaign by planting the red herring of the "electromagnetism" as if that was the simple solution to this unbelievable problem the castaways face.

Meet Hannes Alfvén: He was a computer expert who wrote prolifically about computers taking over the world and man being at their disposal. Again Google Hannes Alfven. There are those that believe he can be seen briefly in the DHARMA FILM! This is brilliant!

The attempt by the writers is to throw everyone off!Example, much of the Orientation film and what Desmond says is false and purely to ensure that our heroes are led into a false reality. So they press those  buttons every 108 minutes. The writers want you to think the purpose is to provide a focus for the community - a reason to go on and something meaningful that goes beyond rational decision-making; secondly, to protect the hatch/power-supply/scientists behind the concrete; and, thirdly, to download the information from the Oersted satellite as it orbits the Earth every 108 minutes (please Google this) to get the latest on the magnetic poles.

Stop all of this. I said I'd be brief. The absolute main part of this is the PARANT/CHILD CONFLICTS. AND THE KIDNAPPING OF THE CHILDREN. Not the science stuff.

All of the characters have had a parent/child conflict. My thought on this is it can be seen as the Christ Child separation from the holy father in the garden. It has to be important to the final outcome. OR WHY WOULD IT BE A CENTRAL THEME IN THE SHOW.

Notice all the children in the show have been taken. Why include this in the show if it had no meaning. This is very important.  What the Jesuits taught me was that in  the Catholic theology of Purgatory children are taken from their parent's to a place called LIMBUS INFANTIUM. Please Google this. I hate to span this stuff so quickly but children are seen to have been born in Original Sin and denyed the regeneration of Christ Sacrifice. This matter has been debated for centuries and it is believed that children enjoy eternal happiness with God.

Now to Kant and Melville. Both of these great philosophers had a monumental problem with God. More so Melville. He believed that "free agency" was to much of a burden and man would always make imperfect decisions(note that all cast members before getting on the plane where faced with profound moral and ethical decisions. including the latest is it right to kill because someone else killed? - think Chick with pistol). Especially as he tried to come to an understanding of his world and what was happening. Not going to happen. You could catch the whale but what do you do with it. All men filter their life Thru their own experiences and will always arrive at a different point. If   Moby represented absolute knowledge it was of course unobtainable.

Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason believed that using science to understand the metaphysical was an illegitimate use of reason (THINK DHARMA CORPORATION). For man was always locked into quantitative and qualitative concepts. These are tools derived from experience and cannot be used to understand something that transcends experience. Dharma like man could never anticipate all contingencies. I mean why was it we could put man on the moon 37 years ago and we can't even get off the ground now?

The conclusion of both these men was that man could know God by certain regulating factors such as ethics and morals and a sense of right and wrong. Man ultimately in his imperfection had only one hope and that was to surrender with blind credulity to the omnipotence of God.

Such are blogs. Be brief. That did cover some heavy stuff.

If the writers of this show are going anywhere close to these subjects then it has to be the greatest show ever on TV.
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. In retrospect, there was definiately some religious artifacts that were true located in the artifacts above though it still ended the film with me being completely lost because of all of the plot elements that remain unresolved. I'd hate to comment on it here because it could spoil it for someone who hasn't watched the entire series yet. Thanks for sharing this.


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