The HCPTC hauled Uber into court Friday. They were suing for an injunction to stop the illegal uber. The taxi industry was represented by the Holland and Knight Law Firm. That is one of the top firms in the state of Florida. In fact, the Florida Bar Association website, in its ethics section, links to the Holland and Knight websites detailed explanation of ethical law.
The case was laid out in front of a judge clearly showing the violations and non compliance of the arrogant Uber company. The judge heard both sides and will make a decision soon. I feel confident that our case was giving the best representation possible. It is obvious that Uber is violating established law. It is now up to the philosophy of the judge as to whether he is an activist or is willing to maintain the status quo. It is out of our hands now and all we can do is wait and hope that we live in a just universe. Regardless of outcome, my life will move on one direction or another. So I guess you can say we do live and exciting times, clearly not.
posted from Bloggeroid
Uber Rocks!...Tampa loves Uber!
ReplyDeleteIt is only a matter of time till more and more states or court rulings classify uber drivers as employees. As they become employees uber will be on the hook for more lawsuits. The whole bussiness model for uber depends on the drivers not being employess and sheilding uber corp from fault of anything.
Bala kumar
This will take some time. Though the policies of uber on rates or any other factors are still combat with the likes of drivers. This might be a major setback for the company. However we can only hope that the new leaders in this industry would strike down these policies and set a example for them.