Swimming is the only thing that matters to me anymore. Today was the 90 day mark of my cardio campaign to rrestore my health. My aerobic ability is skyrocketing and I have lost 7.5 lbs. That belies the fact that I have also gained muscle mass. I MUST DO THIS. It is keeping me alive. What is barely keeping me alive is the taxi business.
Uber and Lyft have taken 90% of our top business. They have left us with poor people in the bad part of town, who call us to go to the corner store and the laundry mat. The fares are a few dollars with little tip. Only the medical charges and the airport keep me going.
I have $34 in my wallet. That is my net worth. The economic recession took from me. My expenses have gone up ( my lease is $100 a day and I have to buy the gas.) I waited years for things to get better. Now, Uber and Lyft are the final nail in a dying industry.
It seems technology has changed the nature of work. Other industries have gone...pay phones, book stores, video rental, to name a few. This revolution happened fast. We were caught flat footed.
I know I'm going to be evicted, and will soon be on the streets. No matter what, I need my health. I can't wait until tomorrow because the weather will be good and I can go swimming.
posted from Bloggeroid
F it. Can't you lease a car for about $350 a month and just become a lyft or uber hack ? Yes, you aren't supposed to use a lease car for commercial use but so what. Then your lease is only 350 a month plus some level of insurance, maybe 150. That is only what you pay for 5 days of cab lease now. You'd not put miles on the car unless you are hauling someone. Plus you could keep your regular customers. I know a guy who got a lease on a car with no job and crappy credit. As long as you make the car lease payments, they don't care. You already have a cell phone, that is all uber needs.