All day long I had to listen on talk radio how wonderful Uber is and how much taxis suck. All the major shows and FOX news were extolling the virtues of Uber. Do you know how much that cuts? I have been a professional cab driver for 20 years and have given outstanding service. I have never had one complaint. I have been proud of what I've done. Now, amateur drivers have taken the bread out of my mouth.
I feel that the industry and the cab owners have let me down. As Donald Trump would say, the cab owners in America are stupid, and have always been blinded by short sighted greed (note their activity during the recession). They should have seen it coming. The cab companies are like Kodak was when digital took over. They did not change with the times. Now, Robert Redford will soon be knocking on their door (a reference most cab owners will not get).
posted from Bloggeroid
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