The sun sets every night |
The major reason for this is Uber. They have cherry picked all the good business and left us with poor people at laundry mats and grocery stores, going around the corner for 3-4 dollars. You can't make it on that. When I was a real cab driver, each day was an adventure. I got to pick up all kinds of people and see the world thru their eyes. It was actually fun.
When I was in the newspaper business, I had to arrive when they wanted me to. I had to work the days they made me work. I could only make the income they dictated I would make. I was actually glad when my department was downsized out of existence for I could now take off in the direction I was meant to go. Since I knew I wanted to be self employed, I became a cab driver. The customers are now your boss but at least I did not have some dickhead leaning over my shoulder all day long.
Uber has kicked all this to the curb. I am now following a ridged schedule of picking up medical charges. My day is laid out in advance and I don't have much choice in the situation. The irony is I'm making a more consistent income which I need right now. At my station in life right now, I would not be able to handle the uncertainty of trying to live only off street calls. You could do it but you would have to work 'round the clock. I'm too old for that and I don't have the inclination anyway.
The rule of the jungle is adapt or parish. Since I have no interest of perishing professionally or otherwise, I adapted. I don't like change but had no choice. I would be under now if I had continued in the same path. All of this because of Uber.
How an unregulated company can be allowed to operate without following any requirements by the oversight commissions is something I did not think I would ever see. The politicians are cowards. Uber is so popular among the young people, they are afraid they will be voted out of office.
I have seen them in action they are cunts. They are weak-kneed jelly fish. Donald Trump says are leaders are stupid. I don't know about that but they sure have no backbone and no concept of upholding the law. One senator for the Tampa area said he would be afraid to answer the phone in his office if he did anything to stop Uber. He lacks balls. No doubt. I could do a better job then he does.
When I was young I used to believe the politicians were smarter then me. That they could be trusted to make the right decisions that would benefit my life. Boy how wrong was I.
Anyway, Island Time is good. I am now home each night at 5:30 which is BEER THIRTY. Not everything is bad. In fact, its better right now then ten years ago. Life moves on.
No beer - get back to swimming!